
Should You Refer To Your Workplace As A Family Or A Team?

Jack Daly, a friend and mentor of mine, likes to say, “Most sports teams are run better than most businesses.” And, he’s 100% accurate! When I write welcome letters to new employee-owners at PFSbrands, I am excited to welcome them to a thriving team. My personal purpose in life is to help others become more […]

How To Coach A Negative Employee Into A Top Performer

There’s nothing more toxic to a workplace than a negative attitude. As a manager, you know what that negativity looks like: snippy responses in e-mail and chat, complaints from one coworker to another, impatience with customers, aggressive body language in meetings, disengagement during team huddles, grunts and sighs of exasperation coming from someone’s desk… the […]

Aviate, Navigate, and Communicate When Your Business Faces Turmoil

Industry lifecycles, industry disruption, innovation, financial markets, and now even viruses are just some examples of challenges leaders face in business today. What happens when your company faces an unprecedented, uncharted challenge? How do leaders approach business when turmoil occurs in society? Aviation has played a big role in the way I’ve built my businesses […]

A Contagious Leader

Contagious work ethic. What does that mean? As a kid, my father taught me at an early age everything I needed to know about work ethic. Before baseball practice one day he said, “Show up before everyone else, work harder than everyone else, be coachable, and stay later than everyone else.” He didn’t just “talk […]

The Mentality of Ownership Thinking

Helping your employees develop an ownership mentality benefits them and the organization as a whole. Ownership thinking means taking accountability for the quality and success of the outcome of your work. A culture of accountability, where employees are able to make decisions and are encouraged to take ownership is a powerful characteristic of a successful […]