To all of our guests: Elaine, Michele and I, and our families, thank you for being here. A business mentor of mine said this about life: “In the end, what matters most in life are the depth of the relationships with friends and family, and the sheer number of people you’ve helped along the way. […]
Send Your Employees Back to School: The Value of Continued Education Programs
I think we can all agree that education is one of the keys to success, both in our personal lives and when it comes to business. Take if from someone who was never an avid reader: whatever you are facing, there is a lot to be learned from others who have experience in the same […]
What Came First, the Fried Chicken or the Egg?: How PFSbrands Got Here
It was the Greek philosopher and writer, Plutarch, who first posed the ancient conundrum of which came first, the chicken or the egg. With National Fried Chicken Day (July 6th) this month, I think the age-old question is worth considering when placed in the context of PFSbrands: which came first, the fried chicken or the […]
Avoid Burnout: Encourage Your Employees to Take a Summer Vacation
It’s no secret that entrepreneurs and business leaders get pulled in many different directions and deal with a ton of stress. As a dedicated leader, I end up putting a lot of additional pressure on myself to ensure I make the right business decisions for my immediate family and for my corporate family. Over time, […]
Ten Small Ways to Make Your Small Business Stand Out
It’s National Small Business Week! But, just because you run a small business doesn’t mean you have to think small. In fact, every single business you can think of from Apple to Amazon to Nike started small. It’s what those businesses did to stand out that made the difference between staying a small business and […]
Five Things You Can Do to Get to Know Your Customers Better
If employees are the heart of a business, customers are the lifeblood. And as a business owner, it’s your responsibility not only to constantly grow your customer base, but to get to know them…really get to know them. Why? Because content customers are actively promoting your business. They are your best advertisements, something no amount […]
Spring Cleaning: Strategies for Auditing Your Company Culture
Every company has a culture. What matters most, however, is how that company culture is being maintained: by default…or by design? The best leaders in the most successful companies know that taking ownership of the company culture is critical to competing in the game of business. In fact, creating a company culture is so critical […]
Four Ways to Ensure Your Employees Fall in Love with Their Job
Every smart business owner knows that the people working alongside you – those folks who are grinding it out day after day, year after year to fulfill your vision – are your company’s lifeblood. In fact, the employees at PFSbrands are so important to us that we wrote them into the first part of our […]
Three New Year’s Resolutions Your Company Needs to Make
It’s that time of year again. The New Year. A fresh start. A chance to get rid of old habits and begin to instill new ones. We so often make New Year’s resolutions for ourselves: I want to lose 10 pounds, I’m going to finish that home improvement project, I’ll cut my caffeine intake in […]
Open Up and Lead
Leadership in an open book environment is unique. Normal functions of the leadership team become inevitably different. Financial reports and budgets become a series of teamwork initiatives. Staff meetings become opportunities for learning and dialogue. Your employees’ work becomes more exciting and not just a way to make a living. How do leaders continue to […]