How does your company culture rank? Are your employees engaged?
A company will rise or fall based on the strength of its culture. In fact, business culture is so critical to Shawn that he built its necessity into PFSbrands’ Core Purpose: To help others become more successful in work & in life. This belief is what has led Shawn to assemble the right players and watch his company enjoy double-digit growth year over year for two decades, with nearly $70MM in annual sales last year.
Early in a company’s life cycle, the owner is able to make frequent and personal contact with virtually everyone working inside the company. As the company reaches a certain point in the growth cycle, this personal touch becomes less frequent simply due to the workload and other challenges that arise when rapid growth occurs. As human resources, upper level managers, and mid-level managers are put into place to handle hiring decisions, the owner is further removed from the personnel decision-making process.
In order to ensure the company continues on a path of scaling and success, it is vitally important that a strong culture is in place. So where does your company fare from a culture standpoint? We’ve created this short assessment to see how your business culture and employee engagement rate. Answer each of the following questions in reference to the current status of your corporate culture and employee engagement. Afterward, you’ll receive our recommendations and next steps for taking your business to the next level!